Spy ninjas

She's Pregnant?!

Was Saving This Fan On my Birthday a Mistake?

Old Spy Ninja Fan KIDNAPPED Me!

Our House Is Cursed!

Do my Friends Secretly Like Each Other?

He Got Sucked into the Vents!

Help! I'm Locked in a Freezer!

Can I get my Friends to Kiss?

Why Did We Get Arrested?

Somebody Killed the World's Most Evil Babysitter!

Chad Wild Clay’s GYAT is COOKED on Halloween

I Found a Man LIVING in My WALL!

Is Saving This Murderer A Mistake?

Betrayed by Old Spy Ninjas Fan

Win Squid Game 2 become a Spy Ninja

Ex-Project Zorgo Member Joins Spy Ninjas

My Friend was KIDNAPPED from the Hospital

Death of a Spy Ninja

Is My Dog Alive?

A Spy Ninja Betrayed Me?

She’s Still Alive… Barely

Unmasking a Criminal Who Needs My Help

Someone is Screaming at Night